Intros: Antiques


"I’ll show you the famed power of the gun that’s the British Empire’s pride!”

Did you call upon me, Master? I’m Enfield. My gun was produced as what’s called the final muzzle-loading masterpiece of the British Empire! .

The quality of a product of the “World’s Factory” is guaranteed! Truly! Therefore, please don’t take Snider’s words too seriously. He’s my younger brother who schemes to remodel me... Good grief, it’s a bother.

Interests: Tea Parties, Studying Brown Bess

Likes: Black Tea, Scones


“I’m not interested in nobodies. Those worth killing, bring it on.”

So you’re my Master? I’m Snider. I was made by remodeling the famous British Enfield, the “final muzzle-loading masterpiece”, into a breech-loading gun. In other words, if you remodel Enfield, you get me. If you’re curious, why not give it a test?

The gun I’m based on was already useful, so there’s no need to talk about performance.

Now, Master. You’ve called on me; are you prepared? Don’t bore me.

Interests: Battle

Likes: Power


“Hey, hey! Let’s all be happy!”

Hi, Master! I’m Brown Bess’s... other personality, George.

Brown Bess was the first musket officially used by the British Army, but during the Revolutionary War, it wasn’t used by just them, but the American militia too. Because of all the sides of Brown Bess... something happened, and I was born.

I’m one of the oldest of the Antiques, and I might not be super useful on the battlefield, but I’ll do my best to protect you, Master. It’ll be great to work with you from here on!

Interests: Helping Others

Likes: Hamburgers, Trifle


“One shot, one kill.”

‘Sup! I’m the Kentucky rifle. I was made in the state of Kentucky, as a new and improved version of the Pennsylvania rifle! Since my gun was handmade by a gunsmith, there ain’t another one like it. It’s overflowin’ with originality.

My motto’s “one shot, one kill”. It’s ‘cause I’m different than those British guys who’d need a bunch of shots to land a hit. Watch my strength to your heart’s content, Master!

Interests: Sewing

Likes: Hot Brown, Dogs


“You’re... protected by the stars.”

Hi, I’m Pennsylvania. As a hunting gun, I spent my time on American soil with the pioneers... but I wound up used in the Revolutionary War right along with them too. Since my gun has rifling, my specialty is sniping... and Kentucky’s my little bro.

My performance probably isn’t great if you compare it to a Modern’s... but I know the forest’s way of living. If you need my power to help you out, please, count on me. Nice to meet you, Master.

Interests: Leather-Making

Likes: Smoked Meats, Wild Strawberries


“If anything, I’m confident in my elegance. ♪”

Bonjour. I’m Charleville, a French-born musket. It’s a fairly old gun, as far as military use goes, so I don’t know if I’ll be too useful on the current battlefields, but... for as long as you need me, I’ll be by your side. Please take care of me from now on, Master.

Interests: Making Travel Plans

Likes: Sweets


“I’ll show you my power— the exceptional performance that’s the pride of France.”

Bonjour, Master. I’m Chassepot. I’m a bolt-action rifle who was born in France. The white polish is quite French-like and elegant, isn’t it? ...before I say anything else, please don’t assume I’m like the others from my era, alright? My shooting distance is much higher than that of a Dreyse gun, and my performance far surpasses his as well, you see.

...though if we’re talking performance, my younger brother, Gras, surpasses me... However, he lacks even a shred of refinement or nobility, and doesn’t care for the importance of history, so I know I’m still the superior Musketeer.

I’m certain my power will be of more use to you... I’d be delighted if you place your trust in me. Be sure to take care of me from here on, Master. ♡

Interests: Sketching

Likes: France, Terrine


“You can leave the logistics to me, at least.”

Bonjour, Master. I’m the French-born, breech-loading rifle, Tabatiere. Supposedly, the name comes from how my gun’s loading chamber resembles a tobacco case.

I’m originally a gun meant for the back lines, so I’ll leave the front-line roles to Chassepot and the others, and stick to doing my best in the rear like the second-rate gun I am. Ah, it’s fine if you rely on me a bit for cooking, though.

I look forward to working with you, my dear Master.

Interests: Cooking, Snorkeling

Likes: Tobacco, Cars


“There’s no use for those who can’t abide by the rules.”

My name is Dreyse. Born in Prussia, I’m the world’s first breech-loading, bolt-action rifle for practical use. My shooting distance isn’t too long, but the ability to quickly shoot and reload while lying low on the ground makes my gun far superior to a muzzle-loader.

...however, as a commander of the German army, I must tell you that I won’t allow for compromises, even with my Master. I’ll be going back and forth between my roles at the German army and the military academy, but I look forward to working with you, Master.

Interests: Cultivating A Strong Army

Likes: Wurst


“See here, the manual ignition-type Jitte gun!”

Hello. I’m Jitte, a jitte that doubles as a manually ignited firearm. I’m a bizarre gun of a sort, because my gun doubles as an Edo-period weapon used by policemen, called a “jitte”. It’s not a very powerful gun, but if we’re arresting someone, leave it to me! Please take care of me from here on, Master.

Interests: Bonsai

Likes: Chikuwa, Kamaboko


“Now, let’s advance! Plus Ultra!”

Hm, so it appears that you’re my New Master.

I’m Karl, the double-barreled, wheel-lock pistol that belonged to Charles V, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. ...My motto is Plus Ultra. Do you know the meaning of it? Even if you don’t... well, our time together may be short, so it’s alright for now.

Will a day come when you can truly become my Master, I wonder... For the time being, I’ll be observing your skills. I look forward to working with you, “Master”.

Interests: Board Games

Likes: Meat, Chocolate


“Allow me to demonstrate my theory.”

Hello. I’m Lorenz, the first domestically produced rifle of the Austrian Empire. Some unstudied individuals say that Lorenz rifles are of poor quality, but that’s simply untrue. It may be the case that the riffraff made in private factories is barely-functional rubbish, but I was made in a government factory, and my performance is undisputedly high. Please, do not confuse me with them. I look forward to working with you, my test subject.

Interests: Reading, Music Appreciation

Likes: Coffee, History


“Dinner will be high-class French cuisine every day. How’s that sound for an agreement?”

...hi, I’m Cutlery. I’m called that because my guns are modeled after tableware. They were used by pirates on the Northern Sea... what’s that? Why tableware? Well, y’know... you’re having dinner with someone you can’t stand, you let your guard down, and bang! That kinda thing.

I can be kinda particular about food, so be ready for that, Master.

Interests: Theater-going, Human Observation

Likes: Delicious Food